It has been raining for 40 days and 40 nights, and luckily my boss is a skilled woodworker and is building an ark. Anyone with animals is urged to contact us right away. Ok so maybe it's not THAT bad, but I might have forgotten what the sun looks like. Evidently it's the worst flood Rhode Island has seen in hundreds of years. The basement got a bit puddled, and closed roads made it a terrible trek home, but other than that we got away pretty easily. At least it forced me to clean out the garage (which was getting a little out of hand) and was also housing all my artwork. Fortunately, it all seemed to avoid getting wet.
On a happier note, here is my latest piece. This is Trinity church in Oak Bluffs, Martha's Vineyard. You will see this and much more of my work at Gallery X on April 17. Opening reception is from 7-9, so come on by and drink some wine and see some fabulous artwork by me, and the rest of the Southern New England Artist Community (SNAC). See you there!