The past few months I have been busy, busy, busy getting all of my Christmas orders finished and shipped out to arrive before the big day. Thank you, Etsy! This is a commissioned family portrait that I just finished today. The photographer did an amazing job setting up the original photograph- I love the stockings in the background and The Night Before Christmas book. I am very pleased with the burning, I love how all the different textures from the clothing bring it all together to make a great work of art.
Now to start the Christmas shopping for my own family! No time to make any gifts for them this year, so off to the mall...on the Sunday before Christmas...I'm mentally preparing myself for all the screaming children and crowded stores. We still haven't gotten our tree yet, hopefully we'll do that today, too. Doncha just love Christmas??
Looks like a perfect Christmas! Great job on capturing the moment as well as the expressions on their faces. Beautiful!